Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Words are gone,
Feelings I'm not sure.
World's all grey,
Sand full of snow.

Goodbye, Beautiful Dream

There was never really an us,
There was only you and me.
What we thought we once had,
Was just but a sweet dream.

I was never really meant for you,
Nor you were destined for me,
The love was just a thought,
Just in our fantasy.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018


I've been living for quite a long time now here in Germany. I've met different kinds of people, separated in a not-so-good ways with some of them. But despite all the bad experiences, there are a few who stayed and I am really thankful of them, for being there for me through my ups and downs. They may be only few, I can even count them with my fingers, but they are more than enough. They are the kind of people I am most comfortable to be with. I don't need to pretend just to be accepted. I can tell them everything that I think and feel and still rest assured that I am understood and accepted.

With them, it is fine to be crazy and they would just laugh and say "typical Anne".

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Friday, March 23, 2018

Life Lessons

Today I feel grateful for the teachings my family and my school taught me. They shaped me to a person I am right now. My mom had always told me as a kid, that not because we have more food on the table and that I go to a private school, means we are rich. Surely, we are blessed, but what matters the most is my character as a person. So she taught me to choose friends who will accept me for who I am and not for what I have. As a kid, she let me play outside with our neighbors' kids and my cousins. We would run around, roll down the hill, play hide and seek, get mud on our faces. This way, my family taught us that we are equal. That none in our village is richer nor poorer. We are all rich because the whole place belongs to us. The vast field is not my uncle's field, but our field where we sit under the mango tree to eat its fruits, and fly our kites or play tag. (We just need to make sure his cows remain within the fences.) I was taught that money is not everything. That happiness does not depend on how much we have but how many friends we have. I was also taught that money does not grow on trees, one needs to work hard for it. So on schooldays I need to learn a lot and aim for high grades so I would be rewarded a wish. On school breaks, I learned to sell ice candies (flavored ice water), offer summer tutorials or babysitting so that I have few coins to buy something from the Sunday flea market. This way, I grew up being contented on what I have. Sure there are wants, especially during teenager days, but I learned since a kid that one can also be happy without these stuff.

At school we always have outreach programs where we spend a day with less-fortunate kids in our city. Through this program, I became sensitive to the needs of others. I learned not to want more, because I became aware that poverty is real. I learned to always thank the One Above for the blessings He bestow my family. It may not be much, but more than enough for us to survive each day and to cover our basic needs. My mind was opened to the fact though that we may be blessed by now but we are not sure of the future, hence it is important to learn how to save as well. Because of that, I learned to say no on wants and justify the immediate needs.

All these made me into a person I am now. My family taught me equality. They taught me to never judge other people's past nor their present because each person has his own daily battle. It is important to show respect so we would also be respected in return. My school taught me to always be grateful. I may only have few friends, but I am sure they are those who accepted me for who I am, for what I have and from what family I came from and I do not need more. They are enough and I am grateful to have found them in this lifetime.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Spring Feels

It feels so good to be surprised with these beautiful flowers. It makes me feel more thankful that I am able to experience another spring and eventually another summer.

Thankful for my husband who did not give up on me. Because of him, I am able to live more years and experience more seasons!