Friday, January 9, 2009

It's a Small World... And I Hate It...

Of all the places we could cross our paths, why here where I work? Why do he have to follow me wherever I go? Why not just let me live in peace?

M: CY!
C: Hi!
J: You got a lot of friends around ha?
C: Yeah, this is my day... (me rolling my eyes)
M: I thought you resigned from Sykes?
C: I did, but effective on the 19th.
M: I thought you're in Germany?
C: I was, and I returned before Christmas (to me: and I wish I did not return anyway)
M: I thought (I cut him off...)
C: Next week is my last week here in Sykes, and we'll move to RS, and be separated from Sykes for good. Hey, your friends are leaving...
M: End of break, bye, see you soon!
C: Bye! (to me: no more soon!damn you!)

I really wish I am out of this place, SOON! And if possible, out of this country FOR GOOD!

I suddenly thought, maybe if I get a new boyfriend, he'll be gone for good. But then again, I am just starting to enjoy my single life!

Anyway, why let him affect my life?

This is the comment I hated most after that encounter:

J: A friend?
C: Jaaaaaaa...
J: (giggling)...You look cute together, he seems to be your match.
C: (I just gave her a stare and then smile)

I just didn't bother to explain who he really is, not worth it to mention nor tell the story anyway...

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