Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Just IT...

Before I went for vacation last Holy Week, I was so excited about a certain event, as in I guess, everyone can feel it on my choice of words, but its almost a week before I post another blog to tell a story about what has happened. I guess, after that, I am not just that excited.

The play has, as always, gone on smoothly, and many people cried. Kuya Chris is indeed great with the role as Jesus. I thought I wont be that busy, but it was the other way around (I even got my rashes after). Me and my cousin went there at 7am (they did not have overnight rehearsal, I was there at 5am, but nobody around, so I went back home). Kids just had their breakfast at 7:30am and the old casts are not yet around (except for Kuya Charlie who was surprisingly earlier than me, for the first time, after my 9 years of stay with the group!). Ate Gigi kept on sending me messages asking how everything is. Since shes not yet around, I have to do the things she do, check every stage and every props needed. Finalize some design if needed. At the same time, I am doing documentation, taking stolen shots of people working on the curtains and props. 8:30 and still, the stages are not finalized. The chairs and plants to accessorize the stages just came, and the gate is closed, the truck cannot get in! What was worst, 9am and the kids are still roaming around, nobody has started to put on make up and get into their costumes. The make up artist for Kuya Chris was not yet around, and other casts are still missing in action (the play starts at quarter to 10). But thank God, we started in time, one yell and everyone ran and did their part.

Honestly, I did enjoy the event; it has always been sort of a reunion for me and my friends’ way back in high school. Though Cathy was not around, it is still the same feeling, seeing and having short talk with people I had grown up with. But there is something that made this year difficult. What is it? It is because this year marked a big letting go for me

I have never thought letting go of something so dear to your heart can be that difficult But I am not just letting go, I am offering it all to God, since HE gave me U in return of this very difficult letting go

I just wish Kuya Erwin is really happy with his choice of serving God all his life

(and I need to get used to calling him Brother, which will soon be Father)

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