Friday, April 4, 2008

Why I Love Writing

When I was a kid, I was the only kid in the house, so my mom and aunts would give me a pen and paper to keep me busy and stop bugging them...

I thought my family will continuously support me with my want of holding pen and paper. But when I was in high school, my mom asked me to quit writing, to forget about anything about writing... I was hurt... It seems like my world was shattered... Writing has always been part of me... Writing has always been my way of life, and they would suddenly ask me to quit it and to never pursue it as my chosen career...

I was asked to take on a career I never really envisioned myself doing... I was forced to love a life that was totally new to me... A career path that I am not sure what lies ahead... But despite everything, I remained rooted to what I really want... I continued writing hidden in shadows... I wrote without letting my family know... It was so frustrating for me that my own family does not care about what I want to achieve... I feel so alone... But it never stopped me from pursuing what I want to do... What I want to achieve...

I am still writing... And I will write till the last breath of me... For in writing, I can be who I want to be... In writing, I am capable of anything... In writing, I am free... Only in writing can I say that I am who God wants me to be...

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