Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Little Confidence Helps

I started this new blog (sorry, the world wide web contains tons of my blogs already, most are already forgotten sites via Weebly and Wordpress). The blog has the URL of http://cykocht.blogspot.com (after thousand times of experimenting on lots of blogsites, I came to realize that Blogger is the best free blogsite so far, and I am sticking to it). This blog is intended as a recipe site. It is not because I am a good cook or whatever but rather for me to have a place where I put on my experimented dishes so that in time, I can go back to it and alter some steps or ingredients to improve its taste. If I have it published publicly, maybe somebody would stumble upon it and try it themself and criticize it, in that way I will be able to see where I went wrong as a cook.

I could say that this new blog is full of CONFIDENCE. Not just because I boldly share to the world some of my experimented dishes, but also because I am writing the introduction, ingredients and the procedure in GERMAN. One reason is that I do not know the terms of some ingredients in English (I never cooked before, Germany made me do it!) and since I am in Germany, I get to know these ingredients in German and if I am asked to translate it, they ask me to translate it to Filipino and not English. So there, I have to write it in German even if I am completely aware that my German still sucks (but they said I am better now, I don't believe them 100% though that's why am going back to language school after summer). I have also thought that if I start to write more in German, then I can learn this language faster and be more comfortable with it. I remember in my grade school days, I would write lots of poems and essays in English. My private teacher would read some of it but when I got more independent and needed no more private teacher, I wrote these for myself and when I was already in high school, I corrected my own works and it was surprising to find that as time goes by, each of my work improves on its own, without anyone actually helping me to write them (I always wrote down the dates and the location where I wrote them just like how blogging is nowadays). So I decided to do the same trick with my German learning. I am no longer shy to use the language more each day at every way possible.

I hope that most of you would care to visit it as well. I have added a "Translate" gadget on it to aid non-German speakers.

*as of this writing there is only one post there yet, the next recipe is still in progress.*

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