Sunday, December 18, 2011


It took me a month before I get this updated, the reason: staying most of the time at home makes me lose all the ideas. There are times when I wake up and am filled with ideas, but there are household chores that I need to do first before hitting the keyboard. As a result, the ideas go out the wiindow as soon as I let fresh, winter air in.

Today is just one of those days mentioned. When I woke up, I saw tiny snow flakes falling. It has been two years since I last watched snow fall and it amazed me that lots of great ideas came into my mind. However, as soon as I went out of our room and greeted my husband a good morning, and he told me bad news about the Philippines today, all the thoughts were gone, just like how fast the snow melts on the still-warm-and-not-yet-ready earth, my thoughts melted as well. Hence, here I am, blogging non-sense a day before my birthday.

I wish I can write better on the next days.

1 comment:

  1. Hi catamaran, whatever it is that you found useful on my blog, am very much happy to be of that great help to you. :-)
