Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yesterday, No Chance!

Yesterday, I was trying to open my account using my bf's notebook, and well, it made me realize one thing: they suck like friendster!
Here's the thing, I tried to log in using Opera browser, and it was successful, BUT! When I was about to post a new blog, it says that they are incompatible with the so far, the best browser in town, and directed me to Mozilla Firefox. So, okay, I opened the Firefox browser, and POOF! Came the same error message that I receive when I try to log-in using the regular IE. I guess, the message I left months ago on my message board there is enough to route all the readers here in my Blogger account.

I know, this is kinda late to share, but what can I do, I got my notebook packed up in my bag, and my bf's keyboard is so fucked up as well, like the blog account I was trying on last night. When I am trying to click on "New Post", it closes the whole browser! So I told him, "wait till I blog what a great keyboard you got here."

... and so here the blog goes... (Love you, U)... ;)

Oh well, maybe it was just not my day yesterday for any techie thing...

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