Wednesday, December 19, 2007

it's mah birthday

yeah, today's my birthday...what happened on my whole birthday?hmmm,nothing special...i went to work the same time, mom woke me up with a gift wrapped in a BARBIE GIFT WRAPPER (yeah, am still her little girl!), and what's inside is my favorite stuff, a NOTEBOOK with cute bubbles design (sooooo childish, thinking am already 24 today, hahaha!)...then i went to work rushing , asking why?coz am almost late!thank God i was able to catch the shuttle... then came tons of workload to finish, hoping to finish all till 5 pm, but here i am, 6:21pm and am still seated here at my desk...

things that made me happy on my birthday:
1) my gift from mom...
2)early morning greetings from people closest to my heart (one of them is him!)
3)lunch out with my officemates
4)phone call from ate and her daughter
5)feeling of belongingness here at hicap

things i hate about today:
1)my dad is still in the hospital
2)i got tons of workload that i failed to finish
3)i have to render overtime on my birthday
4)my bestfriend did not called...
5)there are people who forgot it's my birthday...:(

this is the first birthday i don't have any cake waiting for me at home...and i am to go to sleep tonight, thanking God for another year, with nobody else to talk to tonight but my dumb dolphin stuff toy and my 2 dumb puppies...

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